Articles on: Listings management

Create a listing

Kreezalid allows your sellers to create listings that will constitute the catalog of offers in your marketplace.

How to create a listing

To do this, go to your marketplace on the "front" website (public site visible to your users).


Create a user account from the signup link:

Once connected, a listing creation button is visible in your main navigation menu:

Click on this button

You now access the listings creation form

Only registered users authorized to create listings can access the listing creation form.

By default when you start on Kreezalid the button to create a listing is visible to all registered users. To change this, you can define different access rights depending on the user group:

To learn more about the notion of user group, go to this article: Create user groups

You can also change the visibility settings of the listing creation button from the Navigation tab of your administrator dashboard:

Important : It is not possible to create a listing from the administrator dashboard. Only editing is possible from this interface.

Create a listing from your admin panel

It is not possible to create a listing directly from your administrator dashboard. Only the editing of an already created listing is possible from this interface.

Listings can only be created from a user account.

It is possible to add a listing to a seller's store by logging in with this seller's account. To do this, simply access the "Users" tab in your back office, click on the seller for which you want to add an ad, then log in with their account:

Once the ad has been created, you can modify it either from the seller's account or from your administrator dashboard from the Listings tab .

Customize the listing creation form

It is possible to personalize your ad creation form by adding information fields to be completed by your sellers. This information is called listing attributes. Listing attributes may vary depending on the category of the listing. Learn more about listing categories and attributes:

Listing categories management
Listing attributes management

Moderate listings

You can moderate the listings before or after their publication on the site. To find out more: Moderate the listings in my marketplace

Listings shared by multiple sellers

Kreezalid does not allow the creation of a single product catalog whose elements (listings) are shared by several sellers (Amazon's model). A listing cannot be shared by multiple vendors.

Updated on: 21/03/2023

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