Manage reviews
On your marketplace, you can give your users, buyers, and sellers the possibility to leave a review on their order after a transaction.
It is necessary, to allow your users to submit a notice, to install and activate the Advanced Reviews app on your marketplace:
This application is available in your dashboard, from the tab App store
After activating the app, choose which type of users can leave a notice after an order.
This application gives you three review options:
Reviews left only by buyers on the seller
Reviews left only by sellers on buyers.
Assessments left by both types of users. The term "double-blind" means that the user can only see a notice left on him when he has evaluated the other user himself.
The Advanced Reviews notation module works according to the following rules:
Only an authenticated user who has placed or received an order can leave an evaluation. Thus, you guarantee verified reviews on your marketplace.
Reviews are linked to the user's public profile and not to their listings.
To evaluate his experience on the marketplace the user can leave a global score that will be displayed as stars and a written comment
By default, the user’s rating is displayed on the listings thumbnails, the listings, the user's public profile. You can change the rating display criteria on the site from the Advanced Reviews app settings.
Sending a review request is done manually from your Transaction View dashboard. An action button allows you to send a notation request email to the buyer and seller.
From your dashboard, in Transactions :
Select your order
Go to the Review section
Click the button allowing you to send a notation request email either to the buyer, the seller or both depending on the settings of your Advanced Reviews app.
Once the request emails are sent, they appear in the section allowing you to view the history of the automatic emails related to the order:
On these emails is available a button that allows the user to access a form allowing him to leave a notice:
Once the review is left by the user, it appears on the profile (and the ads, if the user being evaluated is a seller) of the user being evaluated:
From your dashboard in Reviews, you can view all notices and requests for assessment still in progress:
Click on a review, to view it
For every review, it is possible to :
Change its content
Put it offline
Warning, a user cannot modify a received review or a review that he left on another user. For any request to delete or modify a notice left on the user's profile, the user must send a request to the marketplace administrator who will make the modification or deletion from his administrator dashboard.
You can edit the Evaluation Request and Recall emails in Settings > Notifications > Reviews :
Select an e-mail
Edit the subject and the body of the email
How to activate Advanced reviews on your marketplace
It is necessary, to allow your users to submit a notice, to install and activate the Advanced Reviews app on your marketplace:
This application is available in your dashboard, from the tab App store
After activating the app, choose which type of users can leave a notice after an order.
This application gives you three review options:
Reviews left only by buyers on the seller
Reviews left only by sellers on buyers.
Assessments left by both types of users. The term "double-blind" means that the user can only see a notice left on him when he has evaluated the other user himself.
The Advanced Reviews notation module works according to the following rules:
Only an authenticated user who has placed or received an order can leave an evaluation. Thus, you guarantee verified reviews on your marketplace.
Reviews are linked to the user's public profile and not to their listings.
To evaluate his experience on the marketplace the user can leave a global score that will be displayed as stars and a written comment
By default, the user’s rating is displayed on the listings thumbnails, the listings, the user's public profile. You can change the rating display criteria on the site from the Advanced Reviews app settings.
How to leave a review?
Sending a review request is done manually from your Transaction View dashboard. An action button allows you to send a notation request email to the buyer and seller.
From your dashboard, in Transactions :
Select your order
Go to the Review section
Click the button allowing you to send a notation request email either to the buyer, the seller or both depending on the settings of your Advanced Reviews app.
Once the request emails are sent, they appear in the section allowing you to view the history of the automatic emails related to the order:
On these emails is available a button that allows the user to access a form allowing him to leave a notice:
Once the review is left by the user, it appears on the profile (and the ads, if the user being evaluated is a seller) of the user being evaluated:
Edit or delete a review
From your dashboard in Reviews, you can view all notices and requests for assessment still in progress:
Click on a review, to view it
For every review, it is possible to :
Change its content
Put it offline
Warning, a user cannot modify a received review or a review that he left on another user. For any request to delete or modify a notice left on the user's profile, the user must send a request to the marketplace administrator who will make the modification or deletion from his administrator dashboard.
Edit Evaluation Request Emails
You can edit the Evaluation Request and Recall emails in Settings > Notifications > Reviews :
Select an e-mail
Edit the subject and the body of the email
Updated on: 17/03/2023
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