Articles on: General settings

Manage my marketplace timezone

Case 1: Users are all in the same timezone

The timezone of your marketplace allows the correct display of the dates in your marketplace according to the location of your users. You can set a default timezone that corresponds to the main location of your platform.

This parameter is all the more important for marketplaces of the "sale of services/rental" type, operating with booking dates.

To manage the timezone of your marketplace, go to your administrator dashboard on:

Settings > General > Standards and formats > Default time zone

Manage marketplace timezone kreezalid

Case 2: Your users live in different timezones

If your users live in different timezones, you may have some troubles by displaying time in just one timezone.

Even if you can still define a default timezone like described above, our system automatically set the correct timezone for each user. This information can be updated from your admin panel (Users > Click on the user > Settings > Timezone). If you prefer to let the user manage its own timezone, you can edit the signup or profile form to display the timezone field.

Updated on: 17/03/2023

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