Articles on: Listings management

Listings geolocation

Displaying a Google map on listings is a feature available on Kreezalid.

Geolocation allows the seller to indicate his location or location of his good or service when creating his listing.
Geolocation allows the buyer to find the goods and services available around him or in the geographical area of his choice

Add a location by listing and display a map

To allow the seller to indicate the location of his offer (exact address, country, city, region), simply follow the following steps:

1/ Install and activate the Google Map app in your App Store. Set the location options according to the desired operation. You can learn more about these options [here.](/marketplace/google-map)

2/ Then go to :

Settings > Order Types > Map configuration

3/ The result on your marketplace is then the following:

On the Create Listing form:

On the listing page :

Updated on: 17/03/2023

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