Accept / moderate users registration
Kreezalid does not provide a moderation feature for your users, which means, by default the user's account is immediately active after he signs up.
We provide a moderation feature for listing publication. You can learn more here: Moderate listings
However, there are several ways you can control who is allowed to access or post listings on your marketplace. Here is the process we recommend to prevent unverified users from accessing the listing creation form:
STEP 1 - In your admin panel, go to the tab "Users"
STEP 2 - Create 2 users groups:
an intermediate user group called "Vendors waiting for acceptance"
another one called "Verified vendors"
STEP 3 - Set the "Vendors waiting for acceptance" group with the parameter "Not allowed to post listings" :

Set the "Verified vendors" group with the parameter "Allowed to post listings" :
STEP 4 - Now you have to make sure new users will register to this user group when applying on your platform. Here is how to set up this group as the default group for vendors' signup:
Notice that each user group has its own registration form URL. Copy this URL :

Click the tab Navigation in your admin panel. Select the menu of your choice (main menu or footer menu).
Create a new item, called for example "Sell on ..."
Paste the link of the registration form under the type "Web address" :

STEP 5 - Once you have reviewed the vendor's application, change his group to "Verified vendors".
To change the group of a user, go to the tab Users. Select the user of your choice, then click "Settings". Change the user's group :

To be informed each time a new user registers on your platform put your email address in copy of the email sent to the user when he signs up on your website.
To do so, go to Settings / Notifications / Welcome email / Settings :

We provide a moderation feature for listing publication. You can learn more here: Moderate listings
However, there are several ways you can control who is allowed to access or post listings on your marketplace. Here is the process we recommend to prevent unverified users from accessing the listing creation form:
STEP 1 - In your admin panel, go to the tab "Users"
STEP 2 - Create 2 users groups:
an intermediate user group called "Vendors waiting for acceptance"
another one called "Verified vendors"
STEP 3 - Set the "Vendors waiting for acceptance" group with the parameter "Not allowed to post listings" :

Set the "Verified vendors" group with the parameter "Allowed to post listings" :

STEP 4 - Now you have to make sure new users will register to this user group when applying on your platform. Here is how to set up this group as the default group for vendors' signup:
Notice that each user group has its own registration form URL. Copy this URL :

Click the tab Navigation in your admin panel. Select the menu of your choice (main menu or footer menu).
Create a new item, called for example "Sell on ..."
Paste the link of the registration form under the type "Web address" :

STEP 5 - Once you have reviewed the vendor's application, change his group to "Verified vendors".
To change the group of a user, go to the tab Users. Select the user of your choice, then click "Settings". Change the user's group :

How to know when a new user signs up?
To be informed each time a new user registers on your platform put your email address in copy of the email sent to the user when he signs up on your website.
To do so, go to Settings / Notifications / Welcome email / Settings :

Updated on: 17/03/2023
Thank you!