Creating Differentiated Signup Paths for Seller and Buyer Groups

Within the Kreezalid SaaS platform, the "User Groups" feature enables you to create different groups of users, each with distinct permissions. This not only allows for segmentation of your marketplace users but also provides enhanced customization and management capabilities for each user segment.

Features of User Groups

Distinct Registration Page: For each user group, you can create a unique registration page with a dedicated URL :

Permission to List Offers: Determine which groups have the ability to list offers on the marketplace. This feature aids in distinguishing a "seller" group from a "buyer" group :

Specific Redirection after Registration: Post-registration, you can guide each group to a distinct destination or page based on their category.

Custom Attributes per User Group: Designate user attributes that appear on the registration or profile completion forms. This is especially useful if different groups require varying information. For instance, for a "Professionals" group, you could solicit company-specific details during sign-up. To define user attributes: Settings > Users > User Attributes

Differential Dashboard Views: A user's dashboard view will vary based on whether they belong to a group permitted to post offers or not.

Unique Body Tag Class: For connected users, a specific class like "user-group-groupname" is added to the body tag of every marketplace page. This allows customization of display options through CSS based on the user group, provided you have basic HTML and CSS knowledge.

Setting Up User Groups in Kreezalid

Accessing the User Groups Feature Settings > Users > User Groups

Navigate to your Kreezalid Dashboard.
Click on Settings.
Under the Users tab, select User Groups.

Settings > Users > User Groups

Creating a New User Group

Within the User Groups page, click on the Add New Group button.
Define the group name and specify the permissions and attributes for this group as required.
Click Save.

Editing an Existing User Group:

Locate the desired group from the list.
Click Edit next to the group name.
Modify permissions or attributes as needed.
Click Update.

Deleting a User Group

Locate the group you wish to remove.
Click Delete next to the group name.
Confirm the deletion in the popup window.

Creating Differentiated Signup Paths for Seller and Buyer Groups

Setting Up the Seller Group

Follow the steps mentioned above to access User Groups.
Create a new group named Seller.
Configure user attributes like company details, VAT number, etc., which might be relevant to sellers. Affect those user attributes to the desired user group. To learn more about user attributes
Grant permission to this group to list offers on the marketplace.
Define a specific redirection URL after registration, such as a listing creation form or an introductory page for sellers.

Setting Up the Buyer Group

Similarly, create a new group named Buyer.
Configure user attributes relevant to buyers, like shipping address, preferred payment method, etc.
Do NOT grant permission to list offers to this group.
Define a unique redirection URL post-registration, perhaps leading to the marketplace listings or a buyer guide.

To ensure a seamless onboarding experience for your sellers, it's crucial to make the signup process intuitive and straightforward. Considering you'll have a specific signup link for sellers due to the unique attributes and permissions assigned to the seller user group, here's a step-by-step guide to integrate this seamlessly into your site navigation.

Creating a 'Become a Seller' Landing Page

Navigate to the Pages tab in your Kreezalid Dashboard.
Create a new page titled "Become a Seller" or a similar relevant title.
On this page, detail the application process, the benefits of being a seller on your marketplace, the responsibilities they have, and any other pertinent information. This helps prospective sellers understand what they're signing up for and sets clear expectations.

Integrating the Specific Signup Link

Incorporate a clear call-to-action button, such as "Sign Up Now" or "Join as a Seller".
Link this button to the specific URL of the seller group's registration page. This ensures that when prospective sellers click on the button, they're taken directly to the unique signup form designed for them.

Adding to Site Navigation

Once the "Become a Seller" page is ready, it should be made easily accessible.
Navigate to the Menu tab in your Kreezalid Dashboard.
Add the "Become a Seller" page to your top and/or bottom navigation menus. Position it in a way that it's easily visible and intuitive for visitors looking to register as sellers.

For buyer registrations, the general signup link at the top of the page usually suffices. This is because the buyer signup process is often more straightforward and doesn't require as much pre-emptive information as the seller signup. However, ensure this link is also clearly visible and easily accessible.

By following these steps, you ensure a smooth and efficient registration process for both sellers and buyers. The distinction between the two registration processes, coupled with informative landing pages, helps set clear expectations and ensures users have all the necessary information before signing up. This in turn can lead to increased trust and a higher conversion rate for registrations.

Customizing Display with CSS (Advanced)

Remember that each user group has a unique body tag class when connected. For instance, sellers might have "user-group-seller".

Use this class to customize the appearance of certain elements on the page using CSS.

For example, you might want to display a special banner or message only to sellers or buyers.
This requires basic knowledge of HTML and CSS, but it provides an extra layer of customization for each user segment

Remember, with the "User Groups" feature, the power is in your hands to craft tailored experiences for each segment of your marketplace users. Whether you're segmenting by role, permissions, or any other criteria, Kreezalid has you covered. If you have further questions or need assistance, please refer to our detailed documentation or contact our support team.

Updated on: 26/10/2023

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